
8th May 2024 - ScatterPod® Instruction Videos

8th May 2024 - When we created the ScatterPod® range, we had a very clear mission from the very outset...

8th May 2024

When we created the ScatterPod® range, we had a very clear mission from the very outset:

All of the products in the ScatterPod® range should be:

- Great quality

- Easy to use

- Priced competitively

We have never wavered from those principles, helped by the fact that everthing we manufcature is co-designed by a working funeral director.

In 2023, we thought what better way to showcase just how easy our products are to use, by creating some animated instruction videos, that not only show how to fill a ScatterPod®, but also how easy they are to scatter from!

Check them out on the product pages, or see all of them on YouTube!